We will have almost 100% recycled steel based on EAF production until 2030. 100% closed circulation of water. We use only a natural filtration process of water without using chemicals. WOST recovers and releases water PURER than those taken from the environment.
Thanks to the latest technology of heating, we shorten the time necessary to heat the charge. The temperature control system of each ingot allows us to reduce the volume of heating gas.
WOST generates electricity from its own cogeneration and photovoltaic installations. The share of clean energy (from wind and phovoltaic farms) supplied to our plants in 2024 will be approximately 55%. The above activities significantly increase the volume of green energy used by WOST.
We increase the temperature parameter of the water used by the city of Ostrowiec.
Thanks to this, lower coal consumption in municipal installation corresponds to 12,000 trees planted or 100k less tones of CO2 each10 years. We also re-use heat generated in the production process for our internal needs.
Integrated Quality Management System
Improving the quality of products and services offered and ensuring employee safety. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
Changes for a greener future
Planting trees, Investment in research and development, ECO-events for employees and residents and measured installation emissions and define reduction initiatives.
WOST has an environmental product declaration (EPD) based on LCA — Life Cycle Assessment, which analyzes the ecological impact on the environment.
WOST is in the proces of changing part of arrangement of deliveries and shipments from road transport to intermodal. This gives us approximately 60-90% carbon footprint savings* based on research by the European Court of Auditors
100% recycled steel from EAF Billets used to produce Pure.X byWOST come from recycling and only EAF technology is being used to smelt them. Production waste like scrap and scale, are a valuable secondary raw material that we pass on to appropriate plants.
100% transparent idea
We were looking for a substance that decomposes and takes into account. This combination
harmonizes exactly with our sign, giving it its features and synonyms; trustworthy, attempted,
beyond doubt, free from deletion.Ending dot says “we have nothing to add”. “X” mean future
which we see in green colour.